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Friday, 09 December 2011



Glad you are well...but so sad to hear of that random ill fortune that can strike affecting someone you know...loss of young life always seems so wasteful.
Sad to hear the lovely Liesel will be at MO less...but never far in spirit I would guess!


Congratulations on your number of visits. I am sure that I am half of them. It must feel very rewarding to be acknowledged in such a way. Enjoy it because you have definitely worked hard for it. On that note and I know I don't need to say this, but enjoy your sons and the girls they bring home, because you have also worked hard with them. Making tough decisions and parenting in all sorts of ways and seeing the fruits of that labour is hard work! My children are not nearly the age of yours but, we are currently dealing with heartache and personal pain with terminal sickness in our family too and I guess what I am trying to say is enjoy and make memories of the time that you have with your loved ones.
I hope that everything will be well in the shop and even though you are losing a great asset, adjustments will be made and you will succeed. Thank you for sharing and hope you, your family and their friends and your shop will come through this time.

Sara Hill

And I am the other half of the visits. I always want to find out what's going on in the shop but also with your boys, given I have a boy the age, more or less, of your older two. And those girls, their dance dresses are so much more tasteful and pretty than what the girls in the US are wearing to the dances these days, in my humble opinion.
So sad about that young girl's brother---life is so unfair, consistently.

I also am challeged by challeges--the constraints can practically immobilize me. I keep telling myself I'm going to do something tailored and with solids, but then I find some wild color......


My mom always says life can turn on a dime, so live and be so grateful for all that we have. I am so sorry that that lovely young lady has to deal with the loss of her brother at such an early age. She will be okay with the love and support of her family and friends. Life is unpredictable, and that is part of the ride. Give her a hug from me.


i agree - those girls look stunning. Wish I had had that much self-confidence and poise at that age. When I think of what I wore to my Form Six formal - some sort of spidery, Stevie Nicks black affair - it is no wonder he ran away as soon as he could - I made a great witch.
Love to the girl and your son as he helps her through this most awful of times. It will be sad to see how much they grow up from this but at the same time, you will wonder at just well they will cope.

Tory Burch Outlet

It will be sad to see how much they grow up from this but at the same time, you will wonder at just well they will cope.

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