I have been a member of the Hunters Hill Quilt group now for 6 bi annual shows which is 11 years worth of friends and quilts. Each year, the members group together to put on a show that is rich in diversity, style, technique and creativity. The judge, a non quilter, has the ominous task of selecting 10 quilts that resonate. Best in Show this year went to Carolyn Davis for this quilt, Chrysanthemum ll.
Those of you that know Carolyn know that she makes quilts that are purely unique and no fuss. Often with knots on top and meandering paths of quilting, these quilts resonate with a theme of "just do it" and definately "don't worry! it's easy!" With a strong sense of determined creativity, Carolyn can always be counted on to be both a loyal, devoted and wise friend as well as a maker of wonder filled quilts. She has been the Tuesday gal at Material Obsession for nearly 10 years...and now you might know where we get some of our direction...
This one is also by Carolyn and was inspired by an Aboriginal Art painting and is called Sunset on the Rock. She saw the painting and went home and made the quilt.
Lindy Messenger made this quilt using the antique rose template pattern. It has always been one of my favourites.
Each year we gather under the watchful spirit of Alysoun Ryves. She started this divine quilt for her daughter as a wedding gift. This year we were proud to see it finished by the group after the sad passing of Alyson a few years back. Each year I find myself walking through the show with Alysoun in my heart.
Susan Hartigan made Strip Tease and was inspired by Karen Griska Selvage Blog. Great use of scrap fabrics which create a wild palette and great movement throughout the quilt.
Margaret Driscol Torch Lily for its rhythmical angularity and noted in the description that the pineapple is an ancient Spanish symbol for friendship and hospitality...perfect for a quilt show like this one.
Owls were a bit of a theme this year and Grace made For the Love of Owls in memory of the Tawny Frogmouth Owls that visit her yard!
Marie Grove made PopStars from MO2 into this...Stars among the strips....always a favourite!
Jenny's Blackbird was also a wedding gift that was worth waiting three years for!
Robyn Sanford's Birds in Flight had tiny doves in the windo blocks gently floating on a breeze of spots.
Jessica used references to Matisse and Picasso in her Jazz in the Garden. First time entrant with a ribbon...you go girl!
Kathie Depalo made this Aunty Green version in her colours which by the way are also my colours because I always love what she does. Nice sparks of sharp colour set on a quiet background.
I didn't notice the setting on the camera had moved so this one isn't as vibrant as it should be but it is Grace's quilt from the Kaffe Fassett workshop we did earlier inthe year.
I am not sure but I think Beryl has been working on this quilt since about the time I joined the group so when I saw it hanging I gasped. I would never have the discipline required to do a two colour quilt but I do very much admire them!
See! Variety is the spice of quilt life. From ultra modern to completely traditional, this was a show that had it all. Not to mention the kitchen crew which was the engine heart of the show in that they kept us all going. Robin and Ellen never paused for one moment from working to present the best scones, baked goods, sandwiches and coffee.
It never ceases to amaze me that when the last visitor walks out the door all the time, effort, love and friendship that is a quilt show gets packed up and vanishes without a trace until we meet again! love, k
Incredible, just incredible. I'm really in awe of all of you.
Posted by: LeeAnn | Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 12:27 PM
Fabulous quilts, thank you Kathy for bringing them to us. xo
Posted by: Cathy | Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 12:37 PM
Thanks for sharing the quilt photos with us. It is always interesting to see the creativity of others. Alysoun Ryves's quilt is amazing and it is so wonderful that a group of friends were able to finish the quilt in memory of her, a great example of the sharing & caring attitude of quilters.
Posted by: Jenny M | Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 01:25 PM
Wonderful quilt show- always makes me feel alive after I have looked at all those lovely quilts and you can feel the energy when you go into the hall - well done everyone!
Posted by: Bronwyn Ugonotti | Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 07:11 AM
I really enjoyed the show. Such a great variety of quilts and every one was beautiful!! One of the things I really loved about Carolyn's winning quilt was the knots on top!!
Posted by: Rachaeldaisy | Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 07:12 PM
wonderful quilts - the red & white were my personal favorites, especially the hawaiian styled one!
Posted by: barb | Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 11:46 PM
wonderful, what you showed are very beautiful! thank u for your sharing!
Posted by: Sac Burberry | Thursday, 16 August 2012 at 05:01 PM
Thanks for the entertaining read! Happy New Year and keep up the good work in 2012!---1djkfmvf0817
Posted by: Broncos Jersey | Friday, 17 August 2012 at 01:58 PM
If you haven't left yet, make sure to pack some sweaters. It's cold here in France (and Belgium and Britain) and wet.Have fun!
Posted by: Adidas Original Shoes | Thursday, 23 August 2012 at 07:26 PM
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Posted by: Go Here | Saturday, 02 February 2013 at 11:05 AM