Recently I have been sent some photos from the recent Modern Wedge workshop in Noosa. It is heartwarming to get images of quilts that were started and are now finished as it means the participants were invested in the learning experience. It is always interesting to do a Modern Wedge workshop as there are so many levels for entry. Some people sign up to learn about fabric, some the technique but in either case there are cross references for growth. In Noosa we had a lot of laughs but the room was a buzz with progress. Here are some of the results I have received since being there:
Here we did top and tail wedges for a surround border for the main medallion. Even there the center circle was a bit of "what if" in that the flower is fussy cut for the center. It started with a tight collection of fabrics and ended up really well balanced and fun!
It is always fun to start in one place and end up in another. This next project started out as Vintage Spin but with a bit of math and some blending of other pattern layouts this stunning layout appeared.
Also a fun feature are the fussy cut Kaffe flower motifs used for the centers.
Then we had this Vintage Spin with wonky log cabin blocks featuring African embroideries. There is a lot going on here but the sashing and cornerstones bring order to the blocks which are full of interesting details.
I have been trying to finish this cushion for a few months now. Ridiculous really but it just keeps getting pushed aside. I used my Line Dancing for the background and some of the other Folk Art Revolution fabrics mixed with other designers. I like his stance...
One of my favourite quilts this year was made by my friend Kathy from Spontaneous Accomplishment
Kathy and I have been friends for 48 years. Her blog shares stories of her life in a rural home with two dogs and their woods walking. When I saw this for the first time I nearly gasped for the beauty and stillness. I was immediately transported to the place via the lines and colors of the quilt. It sets the mood and place so beautifully.
As a kid I spent many a weekend morning walking in the woods near our house trudging through snow. That isn't an activity I enjoy anymore living in Australia but I can feel the crunch of the snow, feel the icy bite of the wind and at the same time the warm spot of sun. This is an image I can slip into and remember, wonder and escape to any time. It makes me yearn for a time of peace when I can relax into the images of my mind enough to create something so much of place. I am also connected to much of Kathy's work from fabrics I have given her over the years. It is nice to see snippets of things long passed over seas appear in her work.
Sharing other people's creative experiences is a very special part of my life and I am eternally grateful to be surrounded by people that make and share and live life. It is painful to hear some of the political commentary of today so when I can bath my mind in the creative spirit...that is what I'll do. Best make dinner! k
I, too, like to be around creative people. They don't have to be creative in the same mode (fabric) that I am, just to be of that mindset. Love the quilts in this post. I haven't ever been a fussy-cutter, but it's looking awfully tempting! Especially love the lady's dress (in picture with fussy cut Kaffe centers)..... Wouldn't that be lovely cut up and used in a quilt?! Lol. That's how my mind works.
Posted by: Sally | Saturday, 01 October 2016 at 11:48 AM
Kathy when I saw this quilt on your blog my heart skipped a beat. As you know I often am out for a walk in the woods. Just like your "Walk in the Woods" quilt I know the next time I am walking it will be with camera in hand and see if my creative spirit can come up with something to remind me of this special place and it's healing surroundings. I enjoyed reading her blog getting to know her also. I could almost smell the marvelous food she cooks from here.
Posted by: Janet Storton | Thursday, 06 October 2016 at 02:23 AM
What a wonderful quilt!! Having just returned from Quilt Camp, it spoke volumes to me.
Posted by: The Joyful Quilter | Saturday, 22 October 2016 at 11:27 AM