We looked at each other the other day and thought...two months of 2017 gone...poof! What the heck! There is always so much to do and so many things to talk about.
Where to start? First I am really excited to show this bag!!! A few years ago I picked up a rose tapestry at our local op shop. I drew the bird from my Wandering Mind fabric range over the roses and got busy doing my first ever tapestry. It was soon buried under urgent projects but periodically I got it out and working on it until one day I realized it was almost finished. At that point I powered on it until it was finished. Of course it was all wonky and out of shape so...I had to learn how to stretch it to be square which was something I never thought I'd do! Interestingly, learning to do something new takes concentration and I found myself avoiding the task. Eventually I simply forced myself to do it NOW. Learning new things is so easy now with all the on line videos and soon the tapestry was stretched and I was on to making the bag!
Again, I haven't made a lot of bags so I thought about it for a long time. (read procrastinated) Selecting the companion fabrics was easy but actually cutting into the pieces was really frightening! What if I messed it up? After years of work it would be a disaster to make a mistake but in the end, what good is it in a pile of things to do? Happy to say a lot of decisions are behind me! It was fun making the bag and I learned a lot at each step.
This year I am back teaching at Material Obsession. In my Taking Shapes we are working with shapes and considering how to achieve personal color palettes. We were so busy all day that I didn't take many photos! The first class was on the Mariner's Compass block using the Fat Robin ruler...one I have fallen madly in love with.
I met the designer, Robin Ruth in Sisters at The Quilters Affair last year and she gave me one to play with. Again, time gets in the way as I thought this would have a lot of concentrated learning involved. Yes, I had to concentrate but the result was fantastic fun! The ruler and instructions are easy to understand with both visual and written clues.
I used several of my favorite stash fabrics in making the quilt. Robin then made my design into a free pattern so we include it in the purchase of the rulers! Of course you can make your own fabric choices!!
Sometimes it is fun not to make any choices. You know the feeling, come home from work feeling drained and at the same time needing a bit of creative time. I have fallen in love with our block of the month program for just those nights and over the last few years have made lots of other people's projects as samples.
All my Paradise of Birds by Irene Blank are finished and it is time for the sashing. I am a bit concerned at how many tiny squares there are. I have already decided I am going to throw perfection out the window and aim solely to get it finished without stress. In a few weeks time I am going away with Quilt NSW to the Country Meeting in Tamworth. I figure a few hours on the bus and in the hotel and I can get a number of these strips done! Its all about the mental attitude!
Sometime the best way to get something done is to get someone else to do it! We picked up this Star Storm pattern by Victoria Findlay Wolfe last year at market with great intentions. At last, after a quick pull from the glorious shelves of the shop we made up a sample. This is a lot of fun and Helena did a wonderful job making it. We have a few kits as seen if you love it as much as us!
This is birthday month at MO! Last week Carolyn, Wendy and I all celebrated birthdays. Sooo much cake but it is a nice ritual to share among friends.
As a family are just about to finish our third yearly round of 21st birthday parties. It has been fun watching all the theme costumes like this one, Retro Workout Gear! Sam, usually quiet and somewhat reserved came out of his shell dressed in day glo tights and leg warmers!
There are many things to love about being a quilter. Not the least is how it takes us out of our routine to a place where we can try new things. It is said that one way to avoid feeling old is to keep learning and I think that is my goal in life. It doesn't come naturally. I'd really like to sit down and rest my weary brain some days. I don't really want to always be brave and out there but the rewards are many and in truth, too tempting to ignore. A challenge taken on always gives us something back win or loose.
Enjoy your process! k
I love your finished bag and Sam looks great in his dress up gear. Thank you for the timely pep talk and love all the creativity that you and your Material Obsession girls share with all of us.
Posted by: Bronwyn Ugonotti | Monday, 06 March 2017 at 10:10 AM
Well look at that..... a Kathy birthday.... brings back memories as one of the first blog posts I read from you was your 50th birthday gig at the shop....
And 21st birthdays..... where has the time gone they were just boys back then....
Last thing... a new ruler is one its way to my house and I am ready to learn something NEW!
Posted by: Susie Q | Tuesday, 07 March 2017 at 01:35 AM
Your opening line really grabbed me: two months!! I've spent most of in an arm sling, so I get my quilting fix by reading your blog and enjoying all the creativity from your world. You made such a cute bag, and have so many other fun things to see. Thank you!
Posted by: Elzabeth | Wednesday, 08 March 2017 at 04:23 PM
How do I order these patterns
Posted by: Anna Marie Tisch | Tuesday, 04 April 2017 at 06:45 AM