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Sunday, 11 February 2018


Quilter Kathy

You are such a brilliant writer! There is so much to digest in this one blog post alone! Thank you for sharing your experience with such a generous and open heart! I am writing down some of your quotes to think more....

Kathy Doughty

Thanks! My brain was so full I couldn’t function until I got it out. Thanks for your comment. k


What a marvelous post! Lots to see enjoy and think about here. Thank you!

Penelope Coombes

What a beautiful reflective piece . Much to savour and much to take away to enhance my work.
It was a perfect mix of people, creativity and RESPECT FOR EVERYONE We were wonderfully nurtured in every way
The magic of all those horizontal walls coming alive in such a short time--blank and then as if by magic four hours later ( +1 hour compulsory lunch break ) they were alive with wonderful quilts each telling its won story and all of high quality.
Kathy and John big thanks to you both for bringing Brandon and Kaffe to us : they are treasures

Wendy C. Reed

What a wonderful post! Any time you have that much creativity in one room, great things happen. Thanks for sharing.

Rosemary B

Oh my, what fun
I am thrilled to read about this adventure. How lucky for all of you. I love the inspiration from Kaffe and Brandon!

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Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair 2019, 19-23 June