Hello! Its been so long since I did a blog post that I forgot my password! However, I am back and really excited to be talking about my new book, Organic Applique. I wrote this book elated at having found methods and technique that made being creative with applique easy! I was one of those quilters that struggled with applique and never got the results I wanted. Because I was always concentrating on how to get good results I couldn't relax into my creative side. If we are struggling with how we do things the why we do them disappears...right? After decades of exploring the different applique techniques I found a few methods that make the process easy and in the doing also make the composing more interesting.
Seeking Interest is the first chapter. I get excited when I see quilts that are interesting...that make me wonder what the quilter was thinking. Making a statement, expressing my voice, showing my creative choices is what defines me as a dedicated quilter and that is important! I want to spread the news that all of us are creative and valid and it just takes a bit of courage to show how we really feel in all aspects of life but expecially with our textile projects. There are nine projects in Organic Applique that explore needle turn, broderie perse and Boro Style applique. I used these techniques to make quilts that tell my story and open the door for you to explore yours!
Make it happen is the second chapter: Then I went back and wrote all about how I select fabrics for my work, how to manage the process and even how to quilt it! It was a light bulb moment for me as I was just about finished with what I thought was a beefy book with inspiring projects when a common question kept popping into my head, "how do you pick your fabrics?" I suddenly realised that If I wanted this book to be what it needed to be I had to go back and add in fabric selection content. So I did. The first 40 pages of the book reinforce everything I teach in my workshops and the ideas I focus on when making a quilt. I am proud that this is a book that has content that will enable quilters to take control of their own creative process. How do I know it worked? So many people that have read the book have made the effort to contact me to say so!
I could show you all the projects in the book but lets be honest, I want you to find a copy, have a look at it and buy it. It might sound like self promotion and it is but the self is YOU! Allow yourself to work creatively and to enjoy it. In the words of my good friend Brandon Mably, "Don't ask your neighbor what she things, she might have bad taste!" You know its true...we let others tell us what to think all the time. Take the reigns. If you follow me on Instagram, @matobsgirl, you will see how the people in my classes have all been working through the projects in the book and the results have been a song!
So...today is the first day of a social media tour of the book. I have selected some of my favourite quilty friends to accompany me on this tour so that if you don't know them already you will now and you'll love them!! Over the next week the following people will go through the book and pick a project that appeals to them personally. They'll then do pull fabric and show how they might personalise the projects in the book! I selected these people because I equally admire and love them all! Here they are:
Monday August 26: Wendy Williams @flyingfishkits
Tuesday August 27: Natalie Barnes @beyondthereefpatterns
Wednesday August 28: Becky Goldsmith @beckygoldsmith
Thursday August 29: Rachael Daisy @bluemountaindaisy
Friday August 30: Scott Hansen @bluenickelstudios
Saturday August 31: Maria Shell @talesofastitcher
Sunday September 1: Anna Maria Horner @annamariahorner
Wendy Williams is my constant source of support and fun at Material Obsession and I depend on her most days as a friend in all the best ways. We have worked together for almost 11 years and I admire her endless source of talent in all areas. Her work has a whimsical style and a real dedication to design. Although a master with all things textile, she is most known for her work with wool felt applique. If you know me you probably know her but if you don't you are in for a real treat! Find her here: Flying Fish Kits
Natalie Barnes and I met teaching together at The Quilters Affair in Sisters, Oregon. We share a love of piecing, color and a happy heart quilting spirit. Natalie is the kind of friend you always turn to when you want to feel the common bond of friendship in the world. She is the first to offer a kind word in times of trouble and a constant reminder of what is good in the world. Natalie designs fabric for Wyndham Fabrics and has a pattern business that explores shapes and patterns with a modern slant steeped in tradition called Beyond the Reef
Becky Goldsmith is the wizard of applique. Best known for her creative applique style and technique, Becky is one half of the Piece O Cake Series of books that we all know and love. Many years ago she visited Material Obsession and taught us all how to needle turn. She is a true needlewoman and rarely do I pick up a needle to do hand work without thinking of her tips. She is creative, energetic and dedicated to perfection. Becky has made a fantastic video for her blog to support her creative process with the book. Check it out here: Becky's Video
Rachael Daisy is another Aussie local you will love. Her artistic nature shines through in all she does...and everything she does is smothered in smiles. Her happy nature and bright colours make everyone else smile as well. Rachael, a former florist brings a love of exuberant colour and an artful consideration to all she does. Rachael takes something familiar and turns it into something amazing! You can learn more about her voice here: Rachael's blog
Scott Hansen is another artist I met while teaching at The Quitlers Affair. You may know him by his white handlebar mustache but his quilts are equally as stunning! He has a quirky take on shapes that has been demonstrated time and again. Trees, flags, hashags...you name it he's stamped it with his style. He has a range of patterns and also designs fabric! I often find myself thinking, "Oh, I love that quilt!" only to learn that Scott made it. You can learn more about him here: Scott's website
Maria Shell, another artist I met while teaching at Quilting by the Lake and became instant friends. She is a fascinating person that makes quilts combining both modern and art techniques. Maria is full of the drive it takes to be truely original in her creative endeavours. Known for making prints with solids, Maria explores shapes and colour in a manner that draws all in to further understand the source. Maria is visitng Material Obsession from her home in Alaska the weekend of September 1, 2019 and we can't wait to share the weekend with her creative spirit and to dig into her process together!! Learn more about Maria here: Maria's Website
And last but not least is another woman I admire on many levels, Anna Maria Horner. Anna Maria is bursting with a creative spirit that she uses in both her language and her artistic endeavours to draw us all into her world. When we read her words we are taken directly to her heart and the same thing happens with her quilts. I have appreciated with pleasure her fabrics since the first collection, Garden Party and from there has grown a friendship I treasure. Check out her patterns, fabrics here at her shop: Craft South
So...I can't wait to see how they all embrace the ideas in the book! Check out all these beautiful artists over the next week on their instagram or blog pages. I hope you enjoy the tour and if you have any comments or questions feel free to contact me. I love the feedback and hope to continue to find ways to build dedication to our craft...consider yourself encouraged to get busy being creative! Enjoy! k
So excited to see you blogging again and can't wait to see your friends' creativity with your projects!
Posted by: Rose Pelfrey | Monday, 26 August 2019 at 10:07 AM